
At DDI Services, we leverage the AWS infrastructure to provide our customers with reliable and scalable solutions.
As an AWS Technology Provider, we integrate advanced AWS services into our products, enabling us to deliver high-quality, secure and efficient digital solutions.

Below is an overview of the services we offer with an explanation of their benefits and features.

Hosted services for web applications

We offer a fully managed hosting environment for your web applications. This service includes:

  • Secure and scalable hosting: Your web applications run on a robust platform that uses AWS infrastructure, allowing you to benefit from high availability and reliability.
  • Periodic evaluations: Our servers undergo regular evaluations to ensure they meet the latest security and performance standards.
  • Quality guarantees: By using AWS as our data centre, we can guarantee that our infrastructure meets the highest standards and certifications such as ISO 27001, SOC 1 and SOC 2/SSAE 16/ISAE 3402, PCI Level 1, C5 Operational Security, ENS High, and IT-Grundschutz.

Managed Dedicated Server in the Cloud

For customers in need of dedicated resources, we offer the following managed services:

Dedicated Web Space and Traffic Prepaid Hosting Platform.

We offer a dedicated web server for your files and applications, along with a dedicated database server.
This includes:

  • Hosting: Reliable and secure Linux environment for your web applications.
  • Databases: Management and optimization of your databases for fast and reliable performance.
  • Traffic Prepaid: Flexible payment options for data traffic, so you only pay for what you use.

Terminal Services from AWS for Remote Applications

With AWS Terminal Services, we offer solutions for running external applications.
This includes:

  • Flexible Access: Access to your applications from any location, providing greater flexibility and mobility for your employees.
  • Security: Secure connections and access management to ensure your data and applications are protected from unauthorized access.
  • Efficiency: Improved efficiency and collaboration as users can easily access shared applications and resources.

Benefits of AWS Certifications

Our infrastructure is accredited and meets the strictest industry standards, meaning your data is safe and we meet all relevant compliance requirements. Some of the certifications and standards we meet are:

  • ISO 27001: International standard for information security management.
  • SOC 1 and SOC 2/SSAE 16/ISAE 3402: Reporting on internal controls over financial reporting and information security.
  • PCI Level 1: Compliance with the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard for secure processing of credit card data.
  • C5 Operational Security: German security standard for cloud computing.
  • ENS High: Spanish standard for information security.
  • IT-Grundschutz: German standard for IT security.

By choosing our AWS-based services, you ensure a reliable, scalable and secure infrastructure that meets the highest standards. 
Contact us to learn more about how we can help your business with our AWS solutions.


AI and Smart Applications

At DDI Services, we use AWS for AI development and smart applications. 
This enables us to build, train and deploy advanced machine learning models, and extract deep insights from data. 
We can analyze images and videos, apply natural language processing, and create interactive speech solutions. 
By integrating these technologies into our solutions, we help businesses work more efficiently, make better decisions, and deliver an enhanced user experience. 
AWS provides the robust infrastructure and tools needed to realize and deploy these intelligent solutions at scale.

Do you have an idea or a problem as an entrepreneur?
Or do you want to digitize your business processes?

Giving your company or organization more clout with simple, flexible tools: that is our objective.
Together we develop and brand new applications that support your company and set it apart from the competition.
DDI Services NV has been marketing its know-how for 20 years under the brand names PopCom and Ant Systems, both based in Roeselare. 

Our brands
